Institute Council

AMI's Institute Council plays an important role in controlling and supervising the development of the Adolphe Merkle Institute. It guarantees good communication and coordination between the university and the foundation and helps the Institute to fulfill its mission and to smoothly integrate into the university.

The Council approves:

  • The strategy and four year plan for the development of the institute
  • The financial planning and the budget
  • The annual report and accounts
  • An adapted reporting and controlling system
  • Institute Council members
    • Prof. Katharina Fromm (President) 

    Rector of the University of Fribourg, Professor at the Faculty of Science and Medicine, University of Fribourg

    • Peter Huber 

          Administrator, Sublevo AG, Kloten, Switzerland

    • Prof. Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche 

    Professor in the Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg

    • Prof. Rolf Mülhaupt 

    Former Director of the Institute for Macromolecular Chemistry and Executive Director of the Freiburg Materials Research Center (FMF), University of Freiburg (Germany)