AMI researchers and staff interested in startup creation receive internal support for the acquisition of initial funding, one-on-one coaching, and career planning. They benefit from favorable access to a first-class research infrastructure and a well-established network.
Entrepreneurial support
AMI considers innovation and entrepreneurship as an essential continuation of its research. Students and employees can further their personal competences, get hands-on experience, develop soft skills, build a valuable network, and maybe even kick-start their own company.
AMI actively fosters this environment through diffrent types of initiatives:


The “Innovation” teaching modules at the University of Fribourg helps students to get to grips with key concepts that range from inventions and IP rights to value propositions, lean development strategies, prototyping, and business model creation.

Withn the framework of the Association for Student Innovation, AMI collaborates with key players at the local (the School of Management Fribourg, the University of Fribourg, and the School of Engineering and Architecture Fribourg), and national level in order to share best practices, start new initiatives, overcome institutional barriers and facilitate interdisciplinary student innovation programs.

The Innovation Club is one of the great campus activities that AMI supports. For all students in Fribourg, who are interested in innovation & entrepreneurship the Innovation Club is THE community of like-minded people with complementary skills. They can get inspiration, exchange experiences, build a powerful network and form teams that work on game-changing ideas.