
The Adolphe Merkle Institute organizes regular seminars during the autumn and spring semesters of the academic year. Top specialists from around the world are invited to present their research to AMI staff and other interested parties from the University of Fribourg community. These seminars are now usually held on Thursday mornings at 11:00 in the institute auditorium.

Date Speaker Institution Title Place Time
December 12, 2024 Prof. Ursula Keller ETHZ, Switzerland Navigating governance challenges in academia: addressing increasing hostility towards excellent women in leadership AMI 15:00
December 7, 2024 Prof. Rachel Evans University of Cambridge, UK TBA AMI 11:00
November 28, 2024 Prof. Arben Merkoçi Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Spain Nanobiosensors: pioneering affordable solutions for health and environmental diagnostics AMI 11:00
November 21, 2024 Prof. Gregor Kozlowski University of Fribourg Mushrooms, snails and edelweiss: nature as an endless source of bio-inspiration AMI 11:00
November 14, 2024 Dr. Laura Hendriks School of Engineering and Architecture (HEIA) - Fribourg The when of colour: tailored radiocarbon analysis of natural organic dyes and pigments in heritage science AMI 11:00
November 7, 2024 Prof. Sonja Schmid University of Basel, Switzerland The timing of life at the nanoscale – new tools for new insights AMI 11:00
October 31, 2024 Prof. Jonathan Williams Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany Chemical emissions and signals from people AMI 11:00
October 29, 2024 Prof. Walter Richtering RWTH Aachen University, Germany Microgels: Soft matter Where Softness Matters AMI 11:00
October 24, 2024 Dr. Ahmet Demirörs University of Fribourg, Switzerland Structural colour and soft robots AMI 11:00
October 17, 2024 Prof. Mark Tibbitt ETHZ, Switzerland Engineering dynamic polymer networks with reversible bonds AMI 11:00
October 3, 2024 Viola Bauernfeind Adolphe Merkle Institute Unveiling coloration mechanisms in longhorn beetles with volume imaging AMI 11:00
October 3, 2024 René Iseli Adolphe Merkle Institute Pushing the limits of chiral metamaterials AMI 11:00
September 19, 2024 Xueqian Hu Adolphe Merkle Institute Confinement-enhanced multi-wavelength photon upconversion based on triplet-triplet annihilation in nanostructured glassy polymers AMI 11:00
September 19, 2024 Sergio Mingo Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Switzerland Model-based Data Analysis of Radio-sensitization by Hyperthermia in Combination with Radiotherapy AMI 11:00

Contact for seminars

Prof. Jessica Clough, Mechanoresponsive Materials - more info and contact details  here.

Seminar archive

  • 2023-2024
    Date Speaker Institution Title Place Time
    July 4, 2024 Dr. Nicole Kleger Sallea Where Medtech and Food Science Meet - A Startup Journey AMI 15:00
    June 27, 2024 Dr. Aurora Rizzo CNR-Nanotec, Italy Properties and reactivity of precursor inks: a reading key for understanding hybrid halide perovskite formation AMI 13:30
    June 13, 2024 Dr. Sakshi Schmid EPFL Symmetry breaking drives protein assembly into a forbidden liquid-crystal phase AMI 16:00
    June 6, 2024 Dr. Francesco Di Stasio Italian Institute of Technology, Italy Colloidal quantum dots for near-infrared optoelectronics AMI 13:30
    May 29, 2024 Prof. Hatice Altug EPFL Integrated nanophotonics for life science and biomedical applications AMI 15:00
    May 23, 2024 Prof. Tiffany Abitbol EPFL Nature-inspired hybrid biocomposites AMI 16:00
    May 3, 2024 Prof. Anja Palmans Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands Folding single polymer chains into functional single chain polymeric nanoparticles AMI 11:00
    April 18, 2024 Dr. Chloé Grazon University of Bordeaux, France From quantum dots to fluorescent organic nanoparticles: bright nanotools for biosensing AMI 16:00
    April 11, 2024 Prof. Bilal Kaafarani American University of Beirut Ex-ducere transformative education: creating unique life-changing opportunities for the young minds and empowering tomorrow’s leaders AMI 15:00
    March 21, 2024 Prof. Erika Eiser Norwegian University of Science and Technology Pathogen detection using selective clustering of DNA-coated colloids AMI 16:00
    March 14, 2024 Prof. Luisa de Cola Università degli Studi di Milano Statale, Italy Hybrid and supramolecular (nano)materials for biomedical applications AMI 16:00
    March 7, 2024 Dr. Franziska Lissel Hamburg University of Technology, Germany N-Heterocyclic Carbenes (NHCs): Conductive and Stable Anchors for Au-based Hybrid Materials and Devices AMI 15:00
    February 28, 2024 Prof. David Leigh University of Manchester, UK Giving Chemistry Direction AMI 14:00
    February 23, 2024 Dr. Jinghui Luo Paul Scherrer Institute Investigating and manipulating neurodegeneration-related protein oligomers using nanopore and x-ray techniques AMI 16:00
    February 22, 2024 Dr. Fun Man Fung National University of Singapore Building bridges, not beaker walls: digital learning communities for inclusive chemistry education AMI 13:30
    February 20, 2024 Prof. Frauke Graeter Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, Germany Mechano-sensing biomolecular systems AMI 15:00
    February 15, 2024 Dr. Bruno Silva Empa From DNA-polymer-lipid nanoparticle assembly to liquid crystal dissolution in microfluidics: unravelling complex systems with fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) and small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) AMI 16:00
    February 8, 2024 Prof. Takuji Adachi University of Geneva In situ optical spectroscopy to capture the birth of morphology AMI 16:00
    January 25, 2024 Prof. Dusan Licina EPFL Particles around us: sources, exposures and control AMI 16:00
    January 18, 2024 Prof. Katherine Elvira University of Victoria, Canada Building bespoke artificial cells and tissues on a chip for drug discovery AMI 15:00
    January 11, 2024 Prof. Ana Akrap University of Fribourg Scientist demystified: Let's unfold the stereotypes together AMI 16:00
    December 14, 2023 Prof. Francesca Cavalieri University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy An engineered nanosugar enables rapid and sustained glucose-responsive insulin delivery in diabetic mice AMI 16:00
    December 7, 2023 Dr. Lorant Csige Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungary Radioluminescence of 0-dimensional perovskite-analogues: fundamentals and some applications AMI 16:00
    November 30, 2023 Prof. Pete Vukusic University of Exeter, UK Biological photonics: a holistic perspective AMI 16:00
    November 16, 2023 Prof. Raffaele Mezzenga ETHZ LLCPS* vs LLPS: Analogies and differences (*LLCPS = Liquid-Liquid Crystalline Phase Separation) AMI 16:00
    November 10, 2023 Dr. Helga Rietz ETHZ From Lab to Headlines: The Challenges of Science Communication AMI 13:30
    November 2, 2023 Alessia Portieri and Laura Samperisi ELDICO Scientific, Villigen Electron Diffraction – An Innovative and Advantageous Tool for Structure Determination of Nanocrystalline Materials AMI 16:00
    October 26, 2023 Ilaria Onori Adolphe Merkle Institute Healable supramolecular double polymer networks AMI 16:00
    October 26, 2023 Martino Airoldi Adolphe Merkle Institute The role of interfaces in solid polymer electrolytes AMI 16:00
    October 19., 2023 Prof. Tobias König Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research, Germany Functional metasurfaces by template-assisted self-assembly AMI 16:00
    October 12, 2023 Weifan Luo Adolphe Merkle Institute Functional layered hybrid materials for photovoltaics AMI 16:00
    October 12, 2023 Yuanjie Li Adolphe Merkle Institute Exploring reversible covalent bonds for improving single protein characterization in nanopores AMI 16:00
    October 5, 2023 Dr. Ora Hazak University of Fribourg Dynamic signaling mechanisms in plant root development AMI 16:00
    September 28, 2023 Edona Karakaci Adolphe Merkle Institute Plasmonic optical trapping for single-molecule conformational dynamics interrogation AMI 16:00
    September 28, 2023 Alessandro Parisotto Adolphe Merkle Institute Bugs to beverages: using structural colours in food colouring AMI 16:00
    September 20, 2023 Prof. William Shih Harvard University, USA Multi-micron crisscross structures grown from DNA-origami slats UniFR Physics 17:00
  • 2022-2023
    Date Speaker Institution Title Place Time
    July 11, 2023 Dr. Stephan Dubas Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Multi-scale Self-assembly of Polyelectrolytes into functional composite coatings and membranes AMI 15:00
    July 10, 2023 Prof. Hathaikarn Manuspiya Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Bacterial Cellulose: Light the way with sustainable materials AMI 16:00
    June 22, 2023 Prof. Mahesh Kumar Indian Institute of Technology Growth and gas sensing properties of CVD-grown 2D Materials AMI 14:00
    June 22, 2023 Dr. Adil Mughal Aberystwyth University, UK Packing problems, phyllotaxis and Fibonacci numbers AMI 10:00
    June 15, 2023 Dr. Romolo Savo Centro Studi e Ricerche Enrico Fermi, Italy Linear and nonlinear disordered photonics with nanoparticles assemblies AMI 16:00
    June 12, 2023 Dr. Giulio Ragazzon Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires, Strasbourg, France What are molecular ratchets and how might we use them? AMI 16:00
    June 1, 2023 Prof .David Gonzalez Rodriguez University "Autonoma" Madrid, Spain Noncovalent synthesis: From chemically programmed "simple" molecules to complex, self-organized matter AMI 16:00
    May 25, 2023 Wachara Chanakul Adolphe Merkle Institute Biological nanopore for protein sensing AMI 16:00
    May 25, 2023 Anna Wald Adolphe Merkle Institute Trapping proteins in nanopores with salt gradient, introduction to modelling with COMSOL AMI 16:00
    May 11, 2023 Dr. Miguel García Iglesias University of Cantabria, Spain Multifunctional supramolecular polymers: from nanostructured ferroelectric materials to self-assembled photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy AMI 16:00
    May 3, 2023 Prof. Filip Du Prez Ghent University, Belgium Circular thermoset materials: merging academic and industrial principles AMI 11:00
    April 24, 2023 Prof. Bengt Fadeel Karolinska Institute, Sweden Exploring the immunological effects of graphene and post graphene materials AMI 16:00
    April 20, 2023 Dr. Bart Van Damme Empa, Dübendorf Assessing the dynamics of quasiperiodic beams and plates using scanning laser vibrometry AMI 15:00
    April 6, 2023 Jessica Caldwell Adolphe Merkle Institute Analytical pathways for micro- and nano-plastic detection in environmental and biological systems AMI 14:30
    April 6, 2023 Aura Moreno Echeverri Adolphe Merkle Institute An understanding of the accumulation of silica nanoparticles in the lysosomal compartments of macrophages upon AMI 14:00
    March 30, 2023 Cristina Prado Adolphe Merkle Institute Improving copolymer-based electrolytes for Li batteries AMI 16:00
    March 30, 2023 Christina Glaubitz Adolphe Merkle Institute From Powder to Cellular Response: Life Cycle of Nanoparticle Analysis AMI 16:00
    March 23, 2023 Dr. Johannes C. Brendel Friedrich Schiller University, Germany Form follows function: Purposeful design of polymer nanostructures UniFR Chemistry 16:00
    March 20, 2023 Dr. Sigita Trabesinger Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen Analytical Approaches for Rechargeable Batteries AMI 11:00
    March 17, 2023 Dr. Rosa Poetes McKinsey, Switzerland Why consulting? – A perspective AMI 15:00
    March 16, 2023 Prof. Adria Leboeuf University of Fribourg Lessons from ants on collectively developing systems AMI 16:00
    March 16, 2023 Dr. Jeanne Crassous Université de Rennes, France Helicenes: chiral platforms with fascinating properties AMI 15:00
    March 9, 2023 Prof. Andrew Weems University of Ohio, United States 3D/4D polymeric biomaterials for implantable tissue scaffolds AMI 16:00
    March 2, 2023 Prof. Catarina Esteves TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands Functional polymer coatings with designed interactions with water AMI 15:30
    February 24, 2023 Prof. Michele Laus University of Eastern Piemonte, Italy Shadows and fog in grafting to from melt AMI 11:00
    February 16, 2023 Prof. Eric Dufresne ETH Zürich Living Droplets Get to Work AMI 16:00
    February 9, 2023 Kenza Djeghdi Adolphe Merkle Institute Elucidation of self-assembled diamond-like 3D structures AMI 16:00
    February 9, 2023 Marian Reincke Adolphe Merkle Institute Trapping of single proteins in nanopores with salt gradients AMI 16:00
    February 2, 2023 Prof. Damiano Genovese University of Bologna, Italy Luminescent (nano)probes for quantitative imaging AMI 16:00
    January 19, 2023 Prof. Davide Comoretto University of Genoa, Italy Polymer and hybrid nanostructures for sustainable photonics AMI 16:00
    December 15, 2022 Phattadon Yajan Adolphe Merkle Institute From 3D light to 3D electron microscopy: a closer look at responsive cell material interfaces AMI 16:00
    December 15, 2022 Minh Tri Nguyen Adolphe Merkle Institute Improving electrode materials performance in li-ion batteries: additives and nanostructure AMI 16:00
    November 24, 2022 Dr. Reiko Oda Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie, France Chiral molecules to chiral functional nanoobjects AMI 16:00
    November 17, 2022 Prof. Angelo Monguzzi University of Milano Bicocca, Italy Sensitized triplet-triplet annihilation-based photon upconversion: principles, evolution, and perspectives AMI 16:00
    November 3, 2022 Dr. Emad Oveisi EPFL Transmission electron microscopy in materials science AMI 16:00
    October 27, 2022 Prof. Joris Sprakel Wageningen University, Netherlands Tiny Green Ninjas: How plant killers exploit soft matter mechanics to infect their hosts AMI 16:00
    October 20, 2022 Chris Rader Adolphe Merkle Institute Cellulose nanocrystals and their roles in nanocomposites AMI 16:00
    October 20, 2022 Andrea Palumbo Adolphe Merkle Institute Synthesis and characterization of mesostructured electrodes for li-ion batteries AMI 16:00
    October 13, 2022 Prof. Denise Mitrano ETHZ Smaller plastics, bigger problems? Impacts of nano and microplastics on environmental systems AMI 16:00
    October 6, 2022 Franziska Marx Adolphe Merkle Institute Healable metallosupramolecular polymers AMI 16:00
    October 6, 2022 Andriy Lubskyy Adolphe Merkle Institute Engineering myoglobin for new-to-nature radical reactions AMI 16:00
    September 22, 2022 Prof. Dominik J. Kubicki University of Warwick, UK New approaches to determining the atomic-level structure of advanced materials AMI 16:00
    September 21, 2022 Prof. Jeffrey Pyun University of Arizona, USA Controlling Light with Polymers: Next Generation Plastics Optics for Infrared Imaging and Photonics AMI 16:00
    September 20, 2022 Prof. Nasim Annabi UCLA, USA Microengineered bioadhesive hydrogels for drug delivery and tissue engineering AMI 16:00
  • 2021-2022
    Date Speaker Institution Title Place Time
    August 25, 2022 Prof. Brendon Baker University of Michigan, USA Biomaterial strategies for studying and controlling cell-cell communication via cellular traction forces during vasculogenic assembly AMI 16:00
    July 13, 2022 Prof. Antonio Guerrero Universitat Jaume I, Spain From photovoltaics to memory applications in the case of hybrid perovskites AMI 14:00
    June 30, 2022 Prof. Josué Sznitman Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Advancing in vitro pulmonary platforms for ventilation and inhalation assays AMI 16:00
    June 23, 2022 Prof. Antonia Neels Empa Dübendorf Tailoring (nano)materials by X-ray analytics for targeted biomedical applications AMI 16:00
    June 20, 2022 Prof. Kathryn Daltorio Case Western Reserve University, USA Robotics in Invertebrate Environmental Niches, Lessons from worms and crabs to traverse challenging terrain AMI 16:00
    June 3, 2022 Prof. Yoan Simon University of Southern Mississippi, USA Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue AMI 15:30
    June 3, 2022 Prof. Ognjen Miljanic University of Houston, USA Greenhouse Gas Capture in Porous Molecular Crystals AMI 14:00
    June 2, 2022 Mauro Sousa De Almeida Adolphe Merkle Institute Exploiting nanoparticle endocytosis to improve therapeutic strategies AMI 16:00
    June 2, 2022 Eva Susnik Adolphe Merkle Institute Modulating nanoparticle delivery by cell stimulation with bio-inspired molecules AMI 16:00
    May 19, 2022 Prof. Kerstin Koch Rhein-Waal University, Germany Plant surface structures and wettability under static and dynamic impact of oil and water droplets Online 16:00
    May 12, 2022 Prof. Mathias Kolle Massachusetts Institute of Technology Manipulating light and color with soft and structured matter Online 16:00
    May 5, 2022 Dr. Robert Göstl DWI – Leibniz-Institut für Interaktive Materialien, Germany From mechanofluorescence to sonopharmacology: using polymer mechanochemistry to activate latent function AMI 15:00
    April 28, 2022 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Tress ZHAW School of Engineering Ion migration in hybrid perovskite materials and devices AMI 15:00
    April 21, 2022 Prof. Wilhelm Huck Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands Towards Big Chemistry AMI 16:00
    April 14, 2022 Dr. Matthew Baker University of Maastricht, Netherlands Macromolecular design for biofabrication AMI 16:00
    April 7, 2022 Derek Kiebala Adolphe Merkle Institute Deformation signaling in polymeric materials via non-sacrificial interactions AMI 16:00
    April 7, 2022 Aaron Lee Adolphe Merkle Institute NanoRoomba: a "bottom-up" approach to particle-cell interactions AMI 16:00
    March 10, 2022 Prof. Remco Tuinier TU Eindhoven, Netherlands Colloids and the Depletion Interaction: Basics and Relevance in Life Science AMI 16:00
    March 3, 2022 Prof. Dr. Ileana-Cristina Benea-Chelmus EPFL Hybrid metasurfaces enable free-space active photonics AMI 16:00
    February 24, 2022 Parnian Ferdowsi Adolphe Merkle Institute Wide Band-gap Perovskite Solar Cells AMI 16:00
    February 24, 2022 Doha Abdelrahman Adolphe Merkle Institute Directed Self-assembly of Triblock Terpolymers by Chemical Guiding Patterns AMI 16:00
    February 10, 2022 Prof. Kira Astakhova Technical University of Denmark Early-stage detection of genomic instability and targeted delivery of gene therapeutics by means of oligonucleotide conjugates Online 16:00
    December 13, 2021 Rafic Hanbali Kromatix Technology and sustainability - the architecture of tomorrow AMI 16:00
    December 2, 2021 Dr. Gioele Balestra School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg Challenges and opportunities of the inkjet technology and its application to bioprinting AMI 16:00
    December 2, 2021 Raphaël Wenger Droptimize Challenges and opportunities of the inkjet technology and its application to bioprinting AMI 16:00
    November 11, 2021 Prof. Rachel Grange ETH Zurich Nonlinear and electro-optic metal-oxides for photonic devices AMI 16:00
    October 28, 2021 Stéphane Hess Adolphe Merkle Institute Recognition of proteins by Random Forest based on nanopore sensing data AMI 16:00
    October 14, 2021 Shuran Xu Adolphe Merkle Institute Fast simulation of protein sensing in a nanopore using arbitrary shaped bead clusters AMI 16:00
  • 2020-2021
    Date Speaker Institution Title Place Time
    September 9, 2021 Hanna Traeger Adolphe Merkle Institute Non-covalent loop mechanophores for strain sensing Online 16:00
    September 9, 2021 Giovanni Spiaggia Adolphe Merkle Institute A near-infrared mechanically switchable elastomeric film as a dynamic cell culture substrate Online 16:00
    June 24, 2021 Dr Sang Soon Oh Cardiff University, UK Light-matter interaction in photonic topological insulators Online 16:00
    June 17, 2021 Dr. Fabienne Schwab Adolphe Merkle Institute Developing a safe-by-design nanoagrochemical Online 16:00
    June 10, 2021 Dr. Guillaume De Bo University of Manchester, UK Controlling reactivity under tension Online 16:00
    May 6, 2021 Prof. Scott McNeil University of Basel, Switzerland Nanomedicines: now with map and compass Online 16:00
    April 22, 2021 Prof. Bettina V. Lotsch Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart & Department of Chemistry, University of Munich, Germany Bridging energy conversion and storage in two-dimensional molecular frameworks Online 16:00
    April 8, 2021 Dr. Walter Federle University of Cambridge, UK Biomechanics of Insect Adhesion Online 16:00
    April 1, 2021 Prof. Yana Vaynzof Technical University Dresden, Germany Reproducibility in Perovskite Solar Cells Online 15:30
    March 4, 2021 Dr. Luca Porcarelli Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia Single–Ion Conducting Polymer Nanoparticles as Functional Fillers for Solid Electrolytes in Lithium Metal Batteries Online 09:00
    February 11, 2021 Prof. Maria H Godinho University NOVA of Lisbon, Caparica, Portugal Hierarchical cellulose-based chiral structures Online 16:00
    January 28, 2021 Prof. Albert Schenning Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Bio-inspired polymer sensors and actuators Online 16:00
    December 17, 2020 Antonio Günzler Adolphe Merkle Institute Shaping perovskites: In-situ crystallisation mechanism of rapid-thermally annealed, pre-patterned perovskite films Online 16:00
    December 17, 2020 Trevor Kalkus Adolphe Merkle Institute The Green Lean Amine Machine: Generating Electrical Power Using Ion Gradients Established by Capturing CO2 in Breath Online 16:00
    December 10, 2020 Dr. Dafni Moatsou Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Functional and degradable copolymers by harnessing the kinetics of metathesis reactions Online 16:00
    December 3, 2020 Prof. Thomas Epps University of Delaware, United States From Biomass Waste to Performance-Advantaged Polymers: Efficient Routes to Lignin Valorization Online 16:00
    November 26, 2020 Prof. em. Derek Gray McGill University, Canada Preparation and Properties of Cellulose Nanocrystals Online 16:00
    November 20, 2020 Dr. Peter Wick EMPA, St Gallen, Switzerland - SwissNational COVID-19 Science Task Force COVID-19 & face masks: What we know, how they contribute and which are the remaining challenges Online 14:00
    November 19, 2020 Irini Dijkhoff Adolphe Merkle Institute Simulating the impact of diesel exhaust particles in a human in vitro epidermal model AMI/online 16:00
    November 19, 2020 Manuela Estermann Adolphe Merkle Institute Design of a human omentum model to study ovarian cancer cell spreading AMI/online 16:00
    November 5, 2020 Alexandre Redondo Adolphe Merkle Institute Cellulose nanocrystal / polyurethane nanocomposites AMI/online 16:00
    November 5, 2020 Baptiste Monney Adolphe Merkle Institute Photopatternable, mechanically adaptive polymers for intracortical electrodes AMI/online 16:00
    October 29, 2020 Prof. Wanda Kukulski University of Bern, Switzerland The molecular landscape of growing human axons Online 16:00
    October 1, 2020 Prof. Michael P. Shaver University of Manchester, UK Sustainable and Functional Polymers from Monomers to Systems Online 16:00
    September 17, 2020 Dr. Géraldine Guex AO Research Institute, Davos, Switzerland Functional materials to address scar formation and bacterial infection of skin wounds Online 16:00
  • 2019-2020
    Date Speaker Institution Title Place Time
    September 4, 2019 Prof. Carlos Silva Georgia Institute of Technology, USA The complex dynamic energy landscape hosting excitons in 2D perovskites AMI 16:00
    September 23, 2019 Prof. Sébastien Balme Institut Européen des Membranes, Université de Montpellier, France Biomimetic nanopores for biomacromolecules and protein aggregates sensing AMI 16:00
    October 8, 2019 Dr. Jovana Milic EPFL Supramolecular engineering for hybrid perovskite photovoltaics AMI 16:00
    October 24, 2019 Dr. Dimitri Vanhecke Adolphe Merkle Institute The focused ion beam at the Adolphe Merkle Institute AMI 16:00
    November 7, 2019 Dr. Pierangelo Gröning EMPA, Dübendorf, Switzerland Nanostructured materials: function follows structure AMI 16:00
    November 14,2019 Gogol Guha BioPhysics, Adolphe Merkle Institute Temperature-Controlled Single-Liposome Proton Permeability Assay of Extremophile-Inspired Lipid Membranes AMI 16:00
    November 14, 2019 Lukas Steinmetz BioNanomaterials, Adolphe Merkle Institute Lock-in thermography for the detection and characterisation of nanomaterials AMI 16:00
    November 14, 2019 Narjes Abdollahi Soft Matter Physics, Adolphe Merkle Institute Silver gyroid metamaterial: synthesis and chemical stability AMI 16:00
    December 12, 2019 Prof. Vinod Saranathan Yale NUS College, Singapore Evolutionary photonics: quasi order and order in biophotonic nanostructures AMI 16:00
    December 18, 2019 Aris Kamtsikakis Polymer Chemistry & Materials, Adolphe Merkle Institute Cuticle-inspired membranes displaying asymmetric permeation properties AMI 16:00
    December 18, 2019 Johannes Bergmann Soft Matter Physics, Adolphe Merkle Institute Wrinkling as a means to control insect adhesion AMI 16:00
    January 9, 2020 Prof. Jeremy J. Baumberg University of Cambridge, UK Plasmonic Forces at the nano- and pico-scale for NanoMachines AMI 16:00
    January 16, 2020 Dr. Axel Hochstetter Saarland University, Germany Artificial blood brain barriers and the biophysics of life AMI 16:00
    January 29, 2020 Dr. Aziz Fennouri Adolphe Merkle Institute Design of peptide pores with tunable diameters AMI 16:00
    January 30, 2020 Prof. Bart Jan Ravoo University of Münster, Germany Photoresponsive soft materials made by molecular self-assembly AMI 16:00
    February 6, 2020 Prof. Athina Anastasaki ETHZ Pushing ATRP to the limits: controlling dispersity and understanding oxygen tolerant polymerization AMI 16:00
    February 13, 2020 Prof. Katharina Maniura EMPA Soft biomaterial interfaces to steer cell and tissue response AMI 16:00
    February 20, 2020 Prof. Véronique Michaud EPFL Tough and healable structural composite materials AMI 16:00
    February 27, 2020 Livia Bast Adolphe Merkle Institute Plant-leaf mimetic coating of surfaces with waxes and proteins AMI 16:00
  • 2018-2019
    Speaker Institution Title
    Dr. Tom Schroeder BioPhysics, Adolphe Merkle Institute Energy Conversion from Gradients across Bio-Inspired Membranes
    Luis Miguel Olaechea Polymer Chemistry & Materials, Adolphe Merkle Institute Stimuli-responsive metallosupramolecular polymers containing platinum
    Prof. Thomas P. Russell University of Massachusetts Amherst, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab & Beijing University of Chemical Technology 3D printing of adaptive, structured liquids
    Prof. Felix Schacher Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany Charge control in polymeric materials – from reversible adsorption to catalytically active block copolymer membranes
    Prof. Erik Berda University of New Hampshire Functional nanomaterials from single polymer chains
    Prof. Bruno Ehrler AMOLF Beyond solar cell efficiency limits with down conversion and tandem solar cells
    Prof. Claudia Bagni University of Lausanne Gender equality in academia - myth and reality
    Prof. Marleen Kamperman Wageningen University Bioinspired complex coacervate-based adhesives
    Prof. Giulia Rossi University of Genoa Nanoparticle-protein and nanoparticle-lipid interactions: insights from molecular dynamics simulations
    Hana Barasova BioNanomaterials, Adolphe Merkle Institute 3D human lung co-culture model cultured at the air-liquid interface to assess the (pro-)fibrotic potential of carbon nanotubes
    Philipp Lemal BioNanomaterials, Adolphe Merkle Institute Magnetic nanoparticles: a multifunctional approach to modern cancer therapy
    Prof. Kaori Sugihara University of Geneva Can antimicrobial peptides be an antibiotic alternative? Fundamental studies and tool development
    Prof. Iván Mora-Seró Jaume I University, Spain Halide Perovskite Becomes Nano
    Prof. Jean-François Lutz Institut Charles Sadron, University of Strasbourg Digital Polymers: Emergence of a new class of functional macromolecules
    Dr. Guiomar Hernández Uppsala University, Sweden The Role of Polymers in Batteries
    Prof. Melissa A. Grunlan Texas A&M University, College Station Orthopedic Biomaterials Enabled by Network Architecture
    Mathias Weyland ZHAW School of Engineering & Adolphe Merkle Institute Co-evolving model parameter search using cell survival and time-resolved comet data: A holistic view on the synergistic effect of hyperthermia and radiotherapy
    Olivia Eggenberger BioPhysics, Adolphe Merkle Institute Protein Sensing with Lipid-Coated Synthetic Nanopores
    Mirela Malekovic Soft Matter Physics, Adolphe Merkle Institute Organic/inorganic vapour sensors inspired by nature
    Prof. Craig Brodersen Yale University (Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies) A multi-method approach for studying leaf optics and the effect of diffuse vs. direct light on photosynthesis
    Dr Andreas Bruder Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, SUPSI, Bellinzona Anthropogenic impacts on the ecological roles of aquatic hyphomycetes
    Prof. Stefan Salentinig Department of Chemistry, University of Fribourg Food- and Digestion-Inspired Nano-Biointerfaces for Drug Delivery
    Prof. Nitash Balsara University of California, Berkeley, USA Ohm’s Law for Polymer Electrolytes and the Clean Energy Landscape
    Prof. Pol Besenius Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany Transient Supramolecular Materials Mediated by Redox-Responsive Subunits
    Samuel Raccio Macromolecular Chemistry, Adolphe Merkle Institute Polymerization-based amplification as a tool for malaria diagnostics
    Cédric Kilchoer Soft Matter Physics, Adolphe Merkle Institute Block copolymer-based plasmonic materials
    Prof. Gerd Schröder-Turk Murdoch University, Perth, Australia What makes for a 'good' disorder: a simple mechanism that leads to hyperuniform order
    Prof. Anja Palmans Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands Folded amphiphilic polymers in aqueous media: towards enzyme-like catalysis
    Prof. Stuart Rowan Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering and Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, IL, USA Design and Synthesis of Adaptive Polymeric Materials and Unusual Polymer Architectures
    Prof. Ulrich Wiesner Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Cornell University, NY, USA Block copolymer directed organic-inorganic hybrid materials: From Polycrystalline Samples to Bulk Single Crystal
  • 2017-2018
    Speaker Institution Title
    Dr. Andreas Herrmann Firmenich SA, Switzerland Photolabile Profragrances - from Organic Chemistry to Material Sciences
    Prof. Cordt Zollfrank Technical University of Munich, Straubing, Germany Biotemplating as a route to advanced structural and functional materials
    Dominic Urban Adolphe Merkle Institute Taylor dispersion analysis. Expanding the characterization techniques of nanoparticles
    Federica Crippa Adolphe Merkle Institute Magneto-responsive substrates for cell culture
    Prof. Jan Eijkel University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands Nanofluidics for nanomachining, energy generation and cavitation
    Dr. Florian Johann Oxford Instruments, Asylum Research AFMs Video-rate AFM enables new research opportunities
    Prof. Andreas Walther Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Germany Static and dynamic bio-inspired self-assembled material systems
    Dr. Claire Hansell Nature, London, UK Publishing science in Nature - an editor's perspective
    Prof. Mélanie Auffan CEREGE – European Geosciences Center, Aix-en-Provence, France Indoor mesocosms: an integrated approach to assess the environmental risks of nanomaterials
    Ana Milosevic Adolphe Merkle Institute Functionalized gold nanoparticles and their cellular fate
    David Bossert Adolphe Merkle Institute Quantification of Silicon Dioxide Nanoparticles Leaching from Wood
    Prof. Emily Cranston McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada Cellulose nanocrystal hydrogels and aerogels for functional nanoparticle devices and tissue engineering
    Prof. Evelyne van Ruymbeke Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Decoding the viscoelastic response of supramolecular entangled polymers
    Prof. Alan Russell Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Polymer-Enhanced Biomacromolecular Systems
    Omar Rifaie Graham Adolphe Merkle Institute Marine glow biomimicry by nucleobase-containing force responsive polymersome nanoreactors
    Karolina Korzeb Adolphe Merkle Institute Controlled self-assembly of block copolymer templates for optical metamaterials
    Marc Karman Adolphe Merkle Institute Mechanically triggered fluorescence change in polymers
    Dr. Erik Thiele DuPont Performance Materials, Geneva, Switzerland R&D in a global science company: How things work
    Prof. David Haviland KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Measuring and modeling viscoelasticity with the AFM
    Prof. Gary E. Wnek Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio USA Observations Regarding Poly(acrylic acid) Gels and Fibers
    Prof. Jon K. Pokorski Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio USA Protein/Polymer Composites for Medical Applications
    Preston Sutton Adolphe Merkle Institute 3 questions about batteries including why my cell phone’s is so bad
    Céline Calvino Carneiro Adolphe Merkle Institute Towards mechanochromic materials based on non-covalent interactions
    Anne-Cécile Ferahian Adolphe Merkle Institute Structure-property studies of isophthalic acid-pyridine (ipa-py) based supramolecular polymers
    Edward Apebende Adolphe Merkle Institute Synthesis and characterization of force-responsive block copolymers
    Dr Peter Nirmalraj Adolphe Merkle Institute Challenges and opportunities in molecular imaging at the liquid-solid interface
    Prof. Damien Thompson University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland Nanoscale computer-aided design of supramolecular materials
    Sandy Sanchez Alonso Adolphe Merkle Institute Flash infrared annealing for perovskite solar cells
    Sebastian Ulrich Adolphe Merkle Institute Functionalized amphiphilic polymer co-networks from active ester precursors
    Prof. Michael Nash University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland Engineering multi-enzyme complexes using single-cell and single-molecule studies
    Prof. Anders Hagfeldt EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland The versatility of mesoscopic solar cells
    Prof. Serena Corr University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK Microwave-assisted synthesis of new materials for safer, all solid-state batteries
    Prof. Emily Pentzer Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio USA Functional composite materials architected from 2d nanoparticle surfactants
    Prof. Niels Holten-Andersen MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA Bio-inspired metal-coordination crosslinking: Easy access to broad dynamics when engineering polymer gel mechanics
    Dr Bruno Ehrler AMOLF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Beyond solar cell efficiency limits with down conversion and tandem solar cells
    Prof. Jochen Feldmann Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany Metal halide perovskite nanocrystals: 2D materials and supercrystals
    Laura Neumann Adolphe Merkle Institute Metallosupramolecular polymers – investigations at multiple length scales
    Daniel Hauser Adolphe Merkle Institute Polydopamine/transferrin hybrid nanoparticles for targeted cell killing
    Worarin Meesorn Adolphe Merkle Institute Cellulose nanocrystal-based bioinspired composite with mechanical adaptive properties
    Prof. Clemens Bechinger University of Konstanz, Germany Orientation & Communication of Synthetic Microswimmers
    Prof. Herbert Waite University of California Santa Barbara, CA, USA Long-term mussel adhesion depends on intricate extracellular redox control