Understanding Macrophage Interaction with Antimony-Doped Tin Oxide Plasmonic Nanoparticles
Balitskii Olexiy, Ivasiv Viktoriya, Porteiro Figueiras Maria, Yajan Phattadon, Witzig Mira, Moreno-Echeverri Aura Maria, Muñetón Díaz José, Rothen-Rutishauser Barbara, Petri-Fink Alke, Keshavan Sandeep
, 1468
Fluorescence-Based Monitoring of Early-Stage Aggregation of Amyloid-β, Amylin Peptide, Tau, and α-Synuclein Proteins
Li Yuanjie, Awasthi Saurabh, Bryan Louise, Ehrlich Rachel S., Tonali Nicolo, Balog Sandor, Yang Jerry, Sewald Norbert, Mayer Michael
ACS Chemical Neuroscience
High-resolution three-dimensional imaging of topological textures in nanoscale single-diamond networks
Karpov D., Djeghdi K., Holler M., Abdollahi S. Narjes, Godlewska K., Donnelly C., Yuasa T., Sai H., Wiesner U. B., Wilts B. D., Steiner U., Musya M., Fukami S., Ohno H., Gunkel I., Diaz A., Llandro J.
Nature Nanotechnology
Correct labelling? A full analytical pathway for silica and titania particles in food products
Glaubitz Christina, Bazzoni Amélie, Neururer Christoph, Locher Raphael, Dorbić Kata, Caldwell Jessica, Spuch-Calvar Miguel, Lorenzo Laura Rodriguez, Balog Sandor, Serneels Vincent, Rothen-Rutishauser Barbara, Fink Alke Petri
Current Research in Food Science
, 100808
From Chalcogen Bonding to S–π Interactions in Hybrid Perovskite Photovoltaics
Luo Weifan, Kim SunJu, Lempesis Nikolaos, Merten Lena, Kneschaurek Ekaterina, Dankl Mathias, Carnevali Virginia, Agosta Lorenzo, Slama Vladislav, VanOrman Zachary, Siczek Milosz, Bury Wojciech, Gallant Benjamin, Kubicki Dominik J., Zalibera Michal, Piveteau Laura, Deconinck Marielle, Guerrero‐León L. Andrés, Frei Aaron T., Gaina Patricia A., Carteau Eva, Zimmermann Paul, Hinderhofer Alexander, Schreiber Frank, Moser Jacques‐E., Vaynzof Yana, Feldmann Sascha, Seo Ji‐Youn, Rothlisberger Ursula, Milić Jovana V.
Advanced Science
Large-area, self-healing block copolymer membranes for energy conversion
Sproncken Christian C. M., Liu Peng, Monney Justin, Fall William S., Pierucci Carolina, Scholten Philip B. V., Van Bueren Brian, Penedo Marcos, Fantner Georg Ernest, Wensink Henricus H., Steiner Ullrich, Weder Christoph, Bruns Nico, Mayer Michael, Ianiro Alessandro
Helical interfacial modulation for perovskite photovoltaics
AlSabeh Ghewa, Almalki Masaud, Kasemthaveechok Sitthichok, Ruiz-Preciado Marco A., Zhang Hong, Vanthuyne Nicolas, Zimmermann Paul, Dekker Daphne M., Eickemeyer Felix Thomas, Hinderhofer Alexander, Schreiber Frank, Zakeeruddin Shaik M., Ehrler Bruno, Crassous Jeanne, Milić Jovana V., Grätzel Michael
Nanoscale Advances
Large‐Scale Bottom‐Up Fabricated 3D Nonlinear Photonic Crystals
Vogler‐Neuling Viola Valentina, Talts Ülle‐Linda, Ferraro Rebecca, Weigand Helena, Finco Giovanni, Winiger Joel, Benedek Peter, Kusch Justine, Karvounis Artemios, Wood Vanessa, Leuthold Jürg, Grange Rachel
Advanced Photonics Research
Detection of submicron- and nanoplastics spiked in environmental fresh- and saltwater with Raman spectroscopy
Caldwell Jessica, Rodriguez-Lorenzo Laura, Espiña Begoña, Beck Aaron, Stock Friederike, Voges Kathrin, Pabortsava Katsia, Feltham Christopher, Horton Alice, Lampitt Richard, Rothen-Rutishauser Barbara, Taladriz-Blanco Patricia, Petri-Fink Alke
Marine Pollution Bulletin
, 116468
Photocleavable Polymer Cubosomes: Synthesis, Self-Assembly, and Photorelease
Chen Hui, Schumacher Marcel, Ianiro Alessandro, Stank Tim Julian, Janoszka Nicole, Chen Chen, Azhdari Suna, Hellweg Thomas, Gröschel André H.
Journal of the American Chemical Society